Module 2 -> Lesson 3
Close reading, learn through writing
Confirm or Challenge
Private Companies have the right to use Facial Recognition Technology for undisclosed reasons.
Anchor Text(s) for this Lesson
Madison Square Garden Uses Face Recognition to Keep Out Lawyers video clip from CNN, January 30, 2023
She was Denied Entry to a Rockettes Show--Then a Facial Recognition Debate Ignited by Manuela López Restrepo on All Things Considered (AUDIO)
Madison Square Garden Uses Facial Recognition to Ban its Owner's Enemies by Kashmir Hill and Corey Kilgannon, NY Times, December 22, 2022
Same text with language and comprehension scaffolds; glossary linked within document
Excerpts from Madison Square Garden text with language and comprehension scaffolds AND modified instructions.
Supporting Text(s)/ Resources for this Lesson
Sample slide deck: Module 2 --> Lesson 3
Recommended reading for enrichment
New Trends May Help TikTok Collect Your Personal, Unchangeable Biometric Identifiers by Allison Fiedler, April 14, 2022,
Lesson Overview
In this lesson, students will closely read a text with the purpose of identifying evidence that supports a given claim. The warm-up and mini-lesson are both focused on discerning between claims, evidence and reasoning/ analysis that explains the connection between a claim and evidence presented in support of that claim.
Nota Bene
You know your students best. If your students are reading on or above grade level, it is recommended that you do not provide them with a claim; rather, they should infer a claim by reading the entire text. You might shift the focus for that group to refine their reasoning or to begin anticipating counter-claims. You will also find a recommended article for enrichment for those students who are ready for it.
Struggling readers and writers will benefit from the suggested mini-lesson which provides a given claim and explicitly teaches the difference between a claim, evidence supporting that claim, and reasoning connecting the two. It is recommended that you strategically group students and sit with the group in need of teacher- or paraprofessional-led collaborative reading.
Students will be able to...
closely read a complex text.
identify evidence that supports a given claim.
Use specific academic language to explain why/ how the identified evidence supports the given claim.
Suggested Duration
45 minutes (adjust according to your students' needs)
Next Generation ELA Standards
R1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly/ implicitly and make logical inferences; develop questions for deeper understanding and for further exploration.
RH9: Compare and contrast treatments of the same topic in several primary and secondary sources.
W1c: Use precise language and content-specific vocabulary to express the appropriate complexity of the topic.
NYS Computer Science & Digital Fluency Standards
9-12.IC.1 Evaluate the impact of computing technologies on equity, access, and influence in a global society.
9-12.IC.3 Debate issues of ethics related to real world computing technologies.
9-12.IC.5 Describe ways that complex computer systems can be designed for inclusivity and to mitigate unintended consequences.
9-12.DL.1: Type proficiently on a keyboard.
9-12.DL.2: Communicate and work collaboratively with others using digital tools to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
opponent (noun): a person who is against something and tries to change or stop it
proponent (noun): a person who supports an idea or a course of action
oversight: the state of being in charge of someone or something
rectify (verb): to fix something that is wrong
balancing act (noun): a process in which someone tries to please two or more people or groups who want different things
middle ground (noun): a set of opinions, decisions, etc. that two or more groups who oppose each other can agree on; a position that is not extreme
Present students with a claim, evidence that supports that claim, and reasoning/ analysis that explains how the claim and evidence are connected. Do not present the above in that order--scramble it on the slide. Ask students to determine which is the claim, which is the evidence and which is the analysis/ reasoning. Students should be prepared to explain their choices. [See slide for sample claim, evidence and analysis.]
Present definitions for claim, evidence, and reasoning [included in slide deck]. Present students with the claim "FRT can be abused by people in positions of power" and break down what makes this a claim rather than evidence or reasoning. Present evidence from the article students will read in this lesson [see slide deck] and break down or elicit from students why this is evidence. Finally, elicit from students how they can explain the connection between the evidence and the claim. [Sample reasoning/ analysis is included in slide deck.] Model this on the Evidence Tracker graphic organizer.
Present the purpose for reading the article/ excerpts (assign different versions of the text according to students' specific needs) to students. Purpose for reading: Identify evidence that supports the claim: "FRT can be abused by people in positions of power." For on grade-level and advanced readers, see Nota Bene.
Students closely read article in search of evidence that supports the given claim (differentiate text selection and purposes for reading according to your students needs). Students reason, in their own words, why/ how a particular piece of identified evidence supports the given claim.
Circulate and make observations as students work (or make observations in the small group you are facilitating) to identify one or two examples for the wrap up.
Wrap Up
Highlight the work of one or two students to reinforce the distinction between claim, evidence and reasoning. If you are not able to find a good example, use the example in the slide deck and prepare to reteach this concept tomorrow. Some students will need a lot of practice with this and that is OKAY.
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