Module 2 -> Lesson 2
Close reading, learn through writing
Confirm or Challenge
Private Companies have the right to use Facial Recognition Technology for undisclosed reasons.
Anchor Text(s) for this Lesson
Facial Recognition is Improving Customer Experience while Enhancing Security by CP Plus in
A Case for Facial Recognition by Shira Ovide, NYTimes, November 11, 2020
Same text with language and comprehension scaffolds–glossary linked within document
Supporting Text(s)/ Resources for this Lesson
Student-generated research template
Sample slide deck: Module 2 --> Lesson 2
Recommended reading for enrichment
Top 10 Face Recognition Apps by Tilly Kenyon, April 5, 2022,
Lesson Overview
In this lesson, students return to the text they were exposed to in the barometer activity to reread it closely and take note of the claims and evidence presented in the article. Students begin the lesson by rereading the text and identifying and classifying claims as affirmative or negative and highlighting any evidence in support of those claims. Students continue working with the same evidence tracker graphic organizer and research tracker they used during module 1.
Nota Bene
Depending on your setting, you might adjust the flow of this lesson and you might find that student will need more than one period. If you are working with struggling readers and you are collaborating with co-teachers and paraprofessionals, you might find it worthwhile to strategically create reading groups with adults stationed with the groups in need of that support. If you do opt to have adult-led reading groups, consider pacing this so that you are collaboratively reading the text and stopping to give students time to insert comments in their Google Document as you identify claims and evidence. You will also need to make decisions about when to model the evidence tracker & when to make time for students to transfer their notes and expand upon them in the tracker. Remember to reinforce the language that students were asked to use during the barometer activity.
If your students do not require scaffolding for comprehension and in fact require more from this particular lesson, consider adding the Top 10 Face Recognition Apps article and offer students an enrichment opportunity to design an app that would use facial recognition.
Students will be able to...
closely read a complex text.
identify claims and evidence in support of affirmative and negative arguments from the text.
Use specific academic language to describe the position an author is presenting.
Suggested Duration
45 minutes (adjust according to your students' needs)
Next Generation ELA Standards
W1c: Use precise language and content-specific vocabulary to express the appropriate complexity of the topic.
RH9: Compare and contrast treatments of the same topic in several primary and secondary sources.
R1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly/ implicitly and make logical inferences; develop questions for deeper understanding and for further exploration.
NYS Computer Science & Digital Fluency Standards
9-12.IC.1 Evaluate the impact of computing technologies on equity, access, and influence in a global society.
9-12.IC.3 Debate issues of ethics related to real world computing technologies.
9-12.IC.5 Describe ways that complex computer systems can be designed for inclusivity and to mitigate unintended consequences.
9-12.DL.1: Type proficiently on a keyboard.
9-12.DL.2: Communicate and work collaboratively with others using digital tools to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
opponent (noun): a person who is against something and tries to change or stop it
proponent (noun): a person who supports an idea or a course of action
oversight: the state of being in charge of someone or something
rectify (verb): to fix something that is wrong
balancing act (noun): a process in which someone tries to please two or more people or groups who want different things
middle ground (noun): a set of opinions, decisions, etc. that two or more groups who oppose each other can agree on; a position that is not extreme
As a warm up, present this (or another) claim from the article: "Proponents and some law enforcement officials insist that the technology is a helpful crime-fighting tool." (Ovide) Ask students: What type of evidence that might support this claim? What evidence might disprove this claim? Explain your reasoning. Expand or otherwise adjust this according to your students' needs.
Preview the Ovide text (Google document version) with students and review the directions. Reread the first paragraph with students and model identifying and classifying claims as affirmative or negative. Model for students (if necessary) how to insert comments on Google documents to label claims and evidence. Students should be encouraged to write marginal notes/ insert comments. Model this for them as you look at the first paragraph in the text. Marginal notes might include: questions students have about a particular excerpt; whether they agree or disagree with the claim, evidence and reasoning being presented; vocabulary/ language questions.
Students spend the bulk of this period close reading the chosen anchor. Closely read the article and identify arguments in favor of (affirmative) and those in opposition to (negative) FRT. Insert comments in the text to mark these arguments and to add their own thoughts. Once they have identified affirmative and negative arguments, add them to their evidence trackers.
Wrap Up
Ask students to briefly reflect on the claims and evidence that they have gathered during today's activity. How might they incorporate these in this week's SPAR debate? Do they have more arguments on one side of the 'barometer' or an equal amount of affirmative and negative? Take the temperature of the class to get a sense of how the timing might need to be adjusted to ensure that students have adequate time to identify and curate evidence.
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